Special heatings

In this sub-section of the application pages, we dedicate ourselves to special heat tracing solutions. We manufacture customised special solutions or solutions that our technical team has already implemented with their many years of experience.


Pool crown heating

Ensure the smooth functioning of your wastewater treatment plant even during the cold season with our frost protection solution.


Nozzle bottom heater

We keep your asphalt liquid. Electrical heat tracing ensures that you can spray the liquid asphalt on fabric surfaces.

Heating mats and jackets


eltherm shows proven expertise and innovative strength with qualified heating jackets for the clean room.


Open space heating

Create peace of mind with eltherm's robust and efficient outdoor electrical heat tracing systems to keep you safe from bad winter injuries.

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always within reach

Phone: +49 (0) 27 36 / 44 13-0

Fax: +49 (0) 27 36 / 44 13-50

E-mail: info@eltherm.com

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