Our passion.

Your flow.

NEW: ELSR-H-Plus and ELSR-SH-Plus

Get to know the new generation of self-regulating heating cables.

Our new self-regulating high-temperature heating cables, ELSR-H+ (up to 210 °C) and ELSR-SH+ (up to 250 °C), are particularly suitable for industrial applications with high temperatures, even in potentially explosive atmospheres. Both versions are extremely robust and resistant to chemicals, oil and petrol.

Our ELSR-H+ is available in five different power levels:
15 W / ELSR-H+-15-2-BOT / item no.: B0300153
30 W / ELSR-H+-30-2-BOT / item no.: B0300303
45 W / ELSR-H+-45-2-BOT / item no.: B0300453
60 W / ELSR-H+-60-2-BOT / item no.: B0300603
75 W / ELSR-H+-75-2-BOT / item no.: B0300753

Further technical information can be found in the data sheet.

Our ELSR-SH+ is available for two different nominal voltages in the following power levels:
120 VAC
16 W / ELSR-SH+-15-1-BOT / item no.: B0310151
33 W / ELSR-SH+-30-1-BOT / item no.: B0310301
66 W / ELSR-SH+-60-1-BOT / item no.: B0310601

230 VAC
16 W / ELSR-SH+-15-2-BOT / item no.: B0310153
33 W / ELSR-SH+-30-2-BOT / Item no.: B0310303
66 W / ELSR-SH+-60-2-BOT / Item no.: B0310603
98 W / ELSR-SH+-90-2-BOT / Item no.: B0310903

Further technical information can be found in the data sheet.


New heating cables, new advantages!

The new heating cables ELSR-H+ and ELSR-SH+ offer four new benefits in addition to the familiar benefits:

  1. longevity
  2. sustainability
  3. saving weight
  4. optimised energy consumption

1. Longevity
ELSR-H+ and ELSR-SH+ impress with their low ageing in the standardised cycle test in accordance with DIN EN 60079-30-1. Compared to conventional heating cables, which pass the cycle test in accordance with DIN EN 60079-30-1 but show a reduction in performance due to temperature ageing, our new products show negligible performance losses throughout the test and beyond. This means that precise power output is guaranteed even after the duration of the cycle test.

2. Sustainability
Sustainability is essential for us, which was taken into account when developing the self-regulating heating cables ELSR-H+ and ELSR-SH+. By recycling the process residues, we were able to achieve significant savings in fluoropolymers in the production process. As a result, we are already able to reuse up to 10% of the heating cable matrix material in the production process.

3. Saving weight
The use of new manufacturing processes enables a significant reduction of the cable drum weight. This results in a weight saving of up to 15%, which reduces the transport weight and improves handling on the construction site.

4. Optimised energy consumption
The precision of the manufacturing processes ensures the exact production of the respective power level, so that the required heating power can be precisely dosed.

We are here for you

Contact Person

Bassem Carlo Ballout

eltherm GmbH (Headquarters)
Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 6-10
57299 Burbach

Phone: +49 2736 4413-8285

Heike Ritter

eltherm GmbH (Headquarters)
Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 6-10
57299 Burbach

Phone: +49 2736 4413-8281

On the move globally
always within reach

Phone: +49 (0) 27 36 / 44 13-0

Fax: +49 (0) 27 36 / 44 13-50

E-mail: info@eltherm.com

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